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Thursday, October 30, 2008
7:25 PM
Hellohello lovely people of 308! Im here to bring our blog back to life. Okay. Im so kind, I know. By now you should know who I am right. Who else? PAVI LAAAH. Hahahah. Oh yesss. It's the end of our Sec3 year. Like so fast right? I know. I feels like we've just started out though. And thanks to mdm Tay, everyone's been promoted/advanced to sec4 express next year. So let's not let her down and instead, get dancing colours for our O's ayeee. Better than the other classes. Hehh. Oh yes, back to the year passing so fast.
Jyeah, so it's like we just met each other. I mean, we don't need to go all "oooh..we're bonding/ we're united" and that kinda stuff cause we know that it's true for a fact. I honestly think -Im not being biased, mind you- that our class is the most united lah. We don't need class T-shirts and outings or videos or whatever shit to prove our point. We're tight and that's it. What I seriously like about our class is that we keep it real y'know. We don't pretend, and we don't have to. Everyone knows everyone for who they really are. And one thing's for sure, we're not hypocrites. If we're not happy or whatever with someone in the class, we just confront the person and TADAAA! problem solved and everything's back to normal again.
Bottom line is, you guys kick ass and I would'nt be in any other class, given the choice. I mean, c'mon people, who has a cow in their class you tell me! Besides us. Hahah. Soooo, let's help each other out through studies,problems,etcetc and work super hard to stay out of trouble, like me*grins* and get FANTASTIC grades yaaah? Huhuhh. Anyways, what do you guys think about getting a class pit? Like maybe during Decmber or late Novermber. Whatever it is, we'll discuss before/after the Physics thing. Oh yesss.
REMINDER: Physics remedial on the 6th,7th & 10th of November from 10.30am-12.30pm. Okay. Im not really sure of the timing, but should be correct lah.
Okay, I've blogged a superduper long post and hopefully others will continue to update the blog. Oh andand, Im changing my blogskin so the codes are very screwed up so those who want to be invited, chill. I'll invite y'guys soon enough ayeeee. I know my blog is irresistable lah, but control yourselves people! Hahah. Okay, wth.
Oh, andand, Mark is very random.
Mark. says:
becareful ~
Mark. says:
there are "weird people" out there.
Mark. says:
they will do cyber raping.
PAVI. says:
our schl people -.-
Mark. says:
i'm serious !
Mark. says:
oh right
PAVI. says:
Mark. says:
but still, who knows ~
See what I mean? Haha. Okay, Im hungry. Ciao!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
8:21 PM
Okayy , our class blog is seriously dead =_=
i shall revive it with pictures taken when we are at Changi Airport , T3 !
ouh , before that , CONGRATS TO US , 308 for being PROMOTED TO SEC 4 !
so 308 , do not disappoint mdm tay aitesss (:
we shall study hard and make mdm tay proud of us !
408 ~ here we come ! huhu ~
July 2008
August 2008
October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
March 2009
14 july - NABILAH
14th Sept - JOEY
15 dec - PAVI
28 dec - DANIA
31 dec - AYIE